Where Should I Go for Kids Karate?

Karate for kids is a great idea! But how do you pick the right Karate school, whether it’s in-person or online?

Just ask these questions…

  • Is the class SAFE?
  • Is it FUN?

Happy Karate Kids!At Dawn Barnes Karate Kids, the answer to ALL of these questions is a big—


That’s because Karate Kids was founded by a mom for moms.

Dawn Barnes has been teaching her unique martial arts enrichment program in Los Angeles for over 28 years. She is also the founder of the world’s FIRST style of martial arts designed specifically for children– Gozen Karate.

Sensei Dawn’s award-winning children’s Karate classes are designed to inspire RESPECT, PATIENCE, and FOCUS… all the skills kids need to take care of themselves someday.

But don’t take our word for it… TRY A FREE CLASS and see why the L.A. Daily News and L.A. Parent have named Dawn Barnes Karate Kids the best martial arts program for children in Los Angeles…or anywhere!

Give us a CALL or fill out the form
below to set up a FREE TRIAL CLASS!

Kids Karate in Los Angeles“I can’t wait to see the future as my kids
take what they learned at Dawn Barnes
Karate Kids out into the world.”

Art K.

Let’s learn and earn together!